"If you go far back enough everyone is related by common ancestry. All our ancient forbears were black because we originated in Africa and moved out to the rest of the globe. So technically your whole family thing is ridiculous. Using a definition such as all whites are a big family, I could say all humans are a big family since we all have descended from the same homosapiens that originated in Africa."
And according to evolutionary theory, if you go back far enough we all originated from primordial slime, but some of us have evolved more than others, and we are no longer the equal of lower primates…some of us, at least.
However, the Out of Africa theory is incorrect, according to current mitochondrial DNA research.
Those who hate themselves so much that they wish to destroy their own genetic heritage and throw away their ancestry by mixing their bloodline with a nonWhite are the ones who are truly self-loathing masochists. Like homosexuality, miscegenation also was formerly considered a disease of mental illness.
We oppose homosexuality, just as we do miscegenation, as being a crime against nature and nature’s law.
I think that helping people understand how their actions as individuals, and as a group, affect the future of our species as a whole, and of our nation, is a service. I think that fighting to keep America from becoming just another third world sewer run by nonWhites is a service. I serve the greater good of my race and the species as a whole. I work to preserve White countires…and if people didn’t think that White countries were worth preserving, implicitly, they wouldn’t be swarming to get here from all over Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The color of my skin is my uniform of war, it’s the only one I need.
Overall, discouraging miscegenation is a service to all humanity, if modesty may permit me saying so.
Stalin and the Communists, who preached racial equality, killed ten times as many people as did the Germans in W.W.II.. And we fought on their side and handed over half of Europe to them for fifty years, as a reward. Overall, far more people have been killed trying to enforce an unrealistic, mythical, and artificial “equality” than ever died because of Whites.
Much of the Diary of Anne Frank was written in ballpoint pen,which wasn’t written until after the war was over, which means that it’s a forgery, probably written by her father who made a bundle selling it and profiteering. Of course, as the book indicates, she died from disease, not from being gassed or shot. Imagine being invaded from three sides, running out of food and medical supplies for your own wounded, being bombed day and night, and still using scarce resources to trundle a sick Jewish girl from hospital to hospital trying to save her life? That’s what the Germans did, according to Anne’s own account, right? How evil they were, indeed.
America put Japanese-Americans in concentration camps based on their race. I wonder how they would have been treated if Japan had invaded California successfully? Hmmmmm…
Every leader of a nation has blood on his hands, especially when one is involved in a World War, when one’s cities are being firebombed day and night (350,000 civilians were killed in the German city of Dresden alone in the intentional firestorm bombings there) and one’s nation is being invaded on three sides by the combined might of the U.S.S.R., the U.S., and dozens of other countries, all fighting to make the world safe for Communism and the Jews.
What are you, a pacifist? How do you feel about the millions of Russian Christians who were killed by the Jews who created the Bolshevik Revolution and the Communist terror state in Russia and her neighbors?
What do you think about the thousands of Palestinians being murdered by the Jewish terrorist state of Israel, right now?
Racism is natural, in the sense that it is in our genes to distrust creatures that resemble us, but belong to a different group.
This is quite clear from the behavior of chimps who will hunt and kill and eat chimps belonging to another group. Racism exists naturally between every racial group, on every continent on earth. It always has, and always will. That’s why multiracialism has to be enforced at gunpoint, schools integrated at bayonet point, and dissent silenced by force of law.
The reason why I am not interested in uniting all people together is that I could care less about “all people”, I’m concerned about my people, and their interests, and their future. I don’t believe that all people are equal, and even if they were, my people and their interests come first, my race is my family, and my family comes before other people’s families, and my race comes before other races.
Chrsitian Identity thought:
If God created the different races and made them separate, and made them contend with one another, as the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel and of Phineas clearly states, then I am serving His purpose and His will, and doing His work. Since he made the different races, anyone who subverts His will and works against his design by working to encourage race-mixing has a lot more to worry about than I do.
I think that the blacks, more than the Whites, have impacted the crime rate in D.C.. For example, despite being the headquarters of multiple federal law enforcement agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the nationwide crack epidemic of the 1980s and 1990s greatly affected the city and lead to a massive increases in crime. The number of homicides in Washington peaked in 1991 at 479, and the city eventually became known as the “murder capital” of the United States. That’s not because of the number of bureaucrats and foreign dignitaries living there. It’s because of the city’s black population.
“Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.” — Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) French politician and writer
“[T]he day before a black child, minority child, steps into a classroom, half the achievement gap already exists. That is, they already start behind.” — Joe Biden, US Senator…and now Vice President of the United States
“I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races - I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office,”
Abraham Lincoln quotes (American 16th US President (1861-65)
Those who hate themselves so much that they wish to destroy their own genetic heritage and throw away their ancestry by mixing their bloodline with a nonWhite are the ones who are truly self-loathing masochists. Like homosexuality, miscegenation also was formerly considered a disease of mental illness.
We oppose homosexuality, just as we do miscegenation, as being a crime against nature and nature’s law.
I think that helping people understand how their actions as individuals, and as a group, affect the future of our species as a whole, and of our nation, is a service. I think that fighting to keep America from becoming just another third world sewer run by nonWhites is a service. I serve the greater good of my race and the species as a whole. I work to preserve White countires…and if people didn’t think that White countries were worth preserving, implicitly, they wouldn’t be swarming to get here from all over Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The color of my skin is my uniform of war, it’s the only one I need.
Overall, discouraging miscegenation is a service to all humanity, if modesty may permit me saying so.
Stalin and the Communists, who preached racial equality, killed ten times as many people as did the Germans in W.W.II.. And we fought on their side and handed over half of Europe to them for fifty years, as a reward. Overall, far more people have been killed trying to enforce an unrealistic, mythical, and artificial “equality” than ever died because of Whites.
Much of the Diary of Anne Frank was written in ballpoint pen,which wasn’t written until after the war was over, which means that it’s a forgery, probably written by her father who made a bundle selling it and profiteering. Of course, as the book indicates, she died from disease, not from being gassed or shot. Imagine being invaded from three sides, running out of food and medical supplies for your own wounded, being bombed day and night, and still using scarce resources to trundle a sick Jewish girl from hospital to hospital trying to save her life? That’s what the Germans did, according to Anne’s own account, right? How evil they were, indeed.
America put Japanese-Americans in concentration camps based on their race. I wonder how they would have been treated if Japan had invaded California successfully? Hmmmmm…
Every leader of a nation has blood on his hands, especially when one is involved in a World War, when one’s cities are being firebombed day and night (350,000 civilians were killed in the German city of Dresden alone in the intentional firestorm bombings there) and one’s nation is being invaded on three sides by the combined might of the U.S.S.R., the U.S., and dozens of other countries, all fighting to make the world safe for Communism and the Jews.
What are you, a pacifist? How do you feel about the millions of Russian Christians who were killed by the Jews who created the Bolshevik Revolution and the Communist terror state in Russia and her neighbors?
What do you think about the thousands of Palestinians being murdered by the Jewish terrorist state of Israel, right now?
Racism is natural, in the sense that it is in our genes to distrust creatures that resemble us, but belong to a different group.
This is quite clear from the behavior of chimps who will hunt and kill and eat chimps belonging to another group. Racism exists naturally between every racial group, on every continent on earth. It always has, and always will. That’s why multiracialism has to be enforced at gunpoint, schools integrated at bayonet point, and dissent silenced by force of law.
The reason why I am not interested in uniting all people together is that I could care less about “all people”, I’m concerned about my people, and their interests, and their future. I don’t believe that all people are equal, and even if they were, my people and their interests come first, my race is my family, and my family comes before other people’s families, and my race comes before other races.
Chrsitian Identity thought:
If God created the different races and made them separate, and made them contend with one another, as the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel and of Phineas clearly states, then I am serving His purpose and His will, and doing His work. Since he made the different races, anyone who subverts His will and works against his design by working to encourage race-mixing has a lot more to worry about than I do.
I think that the blacks, more than the Whites, have impacted the crime rate in D.C.. For example, despite being the headquarters of multiple federal law enforcement agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the nationwide crack epidemic of the 1980s and 1990s greatly affected the city and lead to a massive increases in crime. The number of homicides in Washington peaked in 1991 at 479, and the city eventually became known as the “murder capital” of the United States. That’s not because of the number of bureaucrats and foreign dignitaries living there. It’s because of the city’s black population.
“Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.” — Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) French politician and writer
“[T]he day before a black child, minority child, steps into a classroom, half the achievement gap already exists. That is, they already start behind.” — Joe Biden, US Senator…and now Vice President of the United States
“I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races - I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office,”
Abraham Lincoln quotes (American 16th US President (1861-65)